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March 26, 2024

Go Fish: Boost your business with in-house estimating from Esti-mate

Hey Mate!

Ever heard the saying, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”? Well, let’s talk about how that concept applies to the business world, specifically in-house estimating.

In-House Estimating, Your New Fishing Spot:

Think of in-house estimating as your personal fishing spot. Instead of waiting for others to get the job done, you now have the knowledge and tools to reel in the big projects on your own. Pretty cool, right?

Here at Esti-mate, we understand the importance of mastering the art of in-house estimating. It’s not just another task on your to-do list; it’s a valuable skill that empowers you, boosts your confidence, and saves you time and money.


Con of outsourcing: 

Outsourcing can be a real money drain. Those external companies charge a fortune, win or lose! I mean, one small tender can cost you as much as four years’ worth of our Estimating Software subscription. Ouch!


Pro Estimating in-house:

You save big bucks! Plus, you’re not left in the dark. You get all the juicy details about the project when you handle the tender yourself. It’s like having insider knowledge on how the jobs are built. And let me tell you, that kind of info is gold for improving your pricing, bidding strategies, and overall business performance.


Our team at Esti-mate is here to guide you on your journey to become a pro at in-house estimating. We provide the tools, resources, and expertise to make estimating easy-peasy, so you can estimate-mate with confidence.

Drop us a line today to learn how Esti-mate can help you become the expert of in-house estimating!

Got questions? Ask us.